Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Busy Life = Bad for Diet

This week has been very busy for me.  I feel like I am running actually driving (if I was running maybe I would feel better) from one thing to the next. We had 2 birthday parties, 2 playdates, church, appointments and so on.   I have learned I have NO willpower.  If I am not at home where I have my limited food choices I will eat things I shouldn't.  I also learned that your body adjust really quickly to eating healthy and when you don't your body lets you know.  Between the homemade pizza, chips with dip and 1/2 cupcake at party #2 with all the cheese, grease and sweets my stomach was in knots.

Progress I am still losing weight even with my cheating (I think this has to do with not drinking Soda).  I am down about 7 lbs in 2 weeks.  Not bad for a newbie.

Today we are starting our Encouraging One Another bible study at Church.  I can't wait to be around such a wonderful group of women that God has connected me with through his Church.  I will let you all know how God moves through this study over the next 12 weeks.  This is a study that I feel is very needed at this time.  So many of us are hurting in so many ways.  We need to learn to turn to God first then our Sister in Christ that can encourage and support us.

Hopefully my update in a few days will be much better and I can tell you have much I have worked out LOL. 


  1. I had that some issue when we had Chick-fil-a last night. I did not make a good choice and then I felt horrible. Sometimes it is worth just making a little something to take with you. It is really tough. Jon just called me a few minutes ago and said that he just got an email that there is a cake in the front office for someone's birthday and he was trying to resist. Sometimes it just takes someone else to help talk you into the right choice. You are doing great! Keep up the good work. I am still praying for you girl and I mean it when I say you can call ANY time. :)

  2. I just blogged about my desire to lose weight. A great book to read is Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick.

  3. keep it up! I'm trying to lose 40 lbs! just stopping by to say hello! Have a blessed day! Love, Traci
