Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Local Gym

So I finally "cashed in" my 3 month membership to a local gym this morning.  I will be utilizing the childcare that they offer for my little one.  Today I walked/jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes and I was at .95 mile and did some arm lifts on another machine.  It was a lot easier using the treadmill instead of pushing the stroller lol. I need to make a plan of what machines I need to use and how many reps to take with me to the gym.  Maybe I will recruit my sister for this (hint, hint).  She is very fit and goes to the gym frequently.  My eating has been good.  I had my Girl Scout Troop over last night and they are working on a cooking badge so they cooked dinner and dessert for themselves.  Their meal was pasta with tomato sauce and cupcakes with chocolate icing for dessert.  I made sure that I ate dinner before they came so I wouldn't have any urges to eat.  I did really well no cupcakes made sure they were all gone and no pasta ...............until everyone left and there was still pasta in the pot so I couldn't resist.  I did boil about 3/4 cup of peas and mixed that with 1 cup pasta with sauce so I didn't feel so bad.  I really can't have any temptation in my house yet I am way to new at this watching what I eat thing.  I have been reading my bible and on average I am doing 2 days of readings in 1 day.  I went on my Wii Fit to check my weight and I am down 2.5 lbs in about 2 weeks.  One of those weeks I wasn't even trying.  Overall I feel really good. 

Thanks for Sharing my Journey,

1 comment:

  1. Great progress! I'll definitely show you which machines are best to use but keep in mind that free weights are great as well since the motions are more natural and you don't neglect the smaller muscles.


    This is an easy and effective biceps exercise and can be done with two free weights instead of the barbell if you prefer that.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K6KxLJciMk - for triceps/shoulders
